Sunday, July 22, 2012

Got time for gorgeous men being endlessly adorable?

It's been raining for a solid three days now and that has seriously impaired my capacity to think about anything deep, or at least worthwhile, like the paradox of choice or the real essence of feminism. The weather's just begging for me to hit the sheets and stay in bed for another minute that somehow stretches  to an hour.

With all my mental faculties necessary for critical thinking bailing out on me, i'm left with my basic senses; taking in the world in soundbites, images, and olfactory delights. If you can only hook me up to an fmri machine, i'm sure my nucleus accumbens will be all lit up like fucking Times Square.

The main culprit? The men on my Tumblr dash of course. In gif format no less. I mean, how cool is it that these gorgeous men are being endlessly adorable on my screen, subject to my girly whims? Yeah, my epiphanies don't get any further than that lately, wait, where you expecting more? hah.

OK, enough talk. Let's all take a minute to appreciate these men being gif-gorgeous.

Let's just say that the amount of time i've been staring at Penn Badgley doing that cute thing with his eyes (yeah I know it's just called squinting, BUT), borders on creepy.

The world seriously needs more JGL. Too bad his goody cop character in The Dark Knight Rises didn't come with facial hair.

My personal favorite. Seriously, do I need to explain? It's James "i-can-do-anything-and-still-be-incredibly-hot-while-doing-it Franco!

You will thank me for this last one!

You're welcome :)

Oh of course you have more than a minute to spare!

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