Monday, March 28, 2011

Heya Sunshine :)

With the word vomit out of the way, here's one of my current go-to happy songs. Hello, sunshine :)

but i'll wear that dress if you wear the tie
and baby we'll dance through the night
cuz no one's got what we've got going


  1. Omg. Darren Criss is so cuuute. (He's a little too intense though when and sings and he kinda looks like Mr. Schue. But I try not to think about that)

  2. You know who I remembered when I saw Darren Criss here? Strangely enough si Dan! hahaha, I hope that doesn't mess up with your Darren Criss fascination in this video hahaha!(i'll elaborate when I see you in person :p) But you're right, LOVE his intensity.
